Jessica Wernett

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn everything you need to know about our Capoeira martial arts school and community by checking out our extensive FAQ section.

  • What is capoeira and why is it good for kids, teens and adults?

    Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines fitness, music, self-defense, acrobatics, language, dance, culture, history, and powerful life skills. It is good for kids, teens and adults because it helps them develop physical, mental, social, and emotional abilities, such as strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, confidence, respect, discipline, creativity, teamwork, leadership, and more.

  • How do I enroll my child or myself in capoeira classes?

    You can enroll your child or yourself in capoeira classes by contacting the capoeira school or instructor of your choice, and filling out an online or in-person registration form. You may also need to sign a waiver and pay a fee, depending on the school or instructor. You can also try a free trial class before you enroll, to see if you or your child like capoeira.

  • What should I or my child wear and bring to capoeira classes?

    You or your child should wear comfortable and appropriate clothing and shoes for physical activities. You or your child should also bring a water bottle, a towel, and any personal items you or your child may need. The capoeira school or instructor will provide everything else you or your child need for the classes, such as instruments, music, and props.

  • What are the benefits of capoeira for kids with special needs?

    Capoeira can be beneficial for kids with special needs, because it can help them improve their focus, attention, memory, self-control, self-expression, and social skills. Capoeira can also provide them with a positive and supportive environment, where they can learn at their own pace, have fun, and make friends. Capoeira can also help them cope with stress, anxiety, and frustration, and boost their self-esteem and confidence.

  • How can I support my child or myself in learning capoeira?

    You can support your child or yourself in learning capoeira by encouraging them or yourself to practice regularly, attend classes consistently, and participate in events and performances. You can also help them or yourself learn more about the history, culture, and language of capoeira, by reading books, watching videos, listening to music, or visiting websites. You can also show interest and appreciation for their or your progress and achievements, and celebrate their or your milestones and goals.

  • What are the risks or challenges of capoeira for kids, teens and adults?

    Capoeira is a safe and respectful martial art, but like any physical activity, it may involve some risks or challenges, such as injuries, fatigue, or frustration. To prevent or minimize these risks or challenges, you or your child should follow the instructions and guidance of the capoeira school or instructor, warm up and cool down properly, hydrate and rest adequately, and respect your or your child's limits and abilities. You or your child should also communicate with the capoeira school or instructor if you or your child have any concerns or difficulties, and seek professional help if needed.

  • How long does it take to learn capoeira?

    There is no definitive answer to how long it takes to learn capoeira, because capoeira is a lifelong journey of continuous learning and improvement. However, you or your child can expect to see some results and benefits after a few weeks or months of regular practice and training. You or your child can also advance to higher levels of capoeira, by earning different colored cords or belts, depending on the capoeira school or instructor's system and criteria.

  • What are the benefits of capoeira for adults?

    Capoeira can benefit adults in many ways, such as improving their physical and mental health, reducing stress, enhancing their creativity, and expanding their cultural awareness. Capoeira can also provide adults with a fun and social activity, where they can meet new people, make friends, and have fun.

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